
The Bolden's want to welcome you to our blog! We decided to share this mission with you all, as we desire to bring glory to the name of Jesus! Go with us on this journey, and we will see God complete the work He began in our hearts long ago!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Study...Here we come!

     Counting down the days never gets old when you have your eye on the goal. Some days are easier than others, but each day we look on the fridge, and we are reminded of the mission God has sent us on. Thankfully, we do not go alone. HE has promised to go before, with, and after us. Praise God for that!
     We begin our homestudy on Thursday, and we are praying that this process goes FAST! Afterall, a princess awaits! :) Please agree with us on this prayer. Your prayers are so precious to us, and we ask you to please continue to cover this process in your prayers.
      Please also pray for the New Horizons for Children team, as they are now traveling to interview for Summer Hosting. If you are interested in hosting, please let me know.....I will help you in any way! They will not be able to work in many regions of Russia for now, but will continue to work in Latvia and Ukraine. Is God calling you to share your home, and HIM, with an orphan?
     Lastly, Jason and I are getting a package together for Lucia's orphanage. If you want to send anything, please message me and I will get my address to you. We have no way of knowing how many children are there, so we desire to send plenty for girls and boys alike. We thank you for your help!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork!

     Wow! We are officially in the second phase of paperwork for the adoption agency, and boy do I mean paperwork! I am amazed at the paperwork! I just keep reminding myself that it will soon be worth it in every way. We are also required to go through many hours of online training concerning adopting the "older child". While this takes quite a bit of time, it has been very interesting and informative. It has made us ask ourselves every question you can imagine, and thankfully, we still feel called and excited.
     Last week we got to send Lucia a package. It had to fit in a gallon freezer bag, so we were limited on how much we could fit in there. We sent her gloves, a scarf, and hat. We also sent a cd, journal, and silly bands. :) The most exciting thing we sent was the Russian Bible that we miraculously came across. I translated a letter to her in Russian reminding her of God's love for her.......and our love for her. I might take this chance to add that we also threw in an Alabama Game Day Bracelet! Gotta train her up right! ;)
     At this time we would ask you all to agree with us that this paperwork would process quickly. We need God's favor on our files....like a spotlight. Everyday she is there is another day I want her here. Those of you that have adopted know just what I mean. Also, please continue to pray for our family. We want to be prepared for this journey in every way. Thank you all so much for partnering with us as we rescue HIS princess.